Working From Home While Homeschooling!
There are plenty of articles about working from home while your kids are at home, especially since coronavirus, so I...

Gifts of the 7 Grandfathers in Work, School, and a Modern World
The Gifts of the 7 Grandfathers is an age-old piece of true Indigenous wisdom, sometimes called the Lessons of the...

On The Hunt… For Work!
It’s official, my friends. Freelancing just isn’t cutting it anymore. While there is work out there for freelancers, it’s nearly...

Interesting New Work!
As a metal fan, I am starting some new, very interesting work that goes hand-in-hand with my musical interests. Read on to find out more!

New SCA Event Confirmed!
We will be heading out to a new SCA event to help out Zen Warrior Armory with their display and tent! Stop by and say hi!

New Site Underway: ShiShiye’s SCP Stories!
A new website for my son, who is passionate about SCPs, is in the works. The site will feature original SCPs and stories, with plans for a scripted TV series. The revamped site includes a new design, regular update capabilities, and a developing Wiki. I am looking forward to seeing the site's ongoing growth.

The New Portfolio Site is Finished!
I have finally completed my web development portfolio site after much deliberation and hard work. The site showcases my skills and experience in the field. I invite viewers to visit the site and provide feedback.

Getting Back To It
After years focusing on my special needs son's education and wellbeing, I am returning to the workforce due to financial constraints. Despite challenges, including an outdated resume and years-old portfolio, I'm optimistic about re-establishing my online presence and finding remote work.

New Favorite Band: Sabaton!
As a lifelong metal music enthusiast, I am sharing newfound love for Sabaton, a Swedish heavy metal band whose music focuses on military history, following an introduction from my son. Despite each of us having distinct interests - mine in dance and linguistics, and my son in military history and strategy - we both enjoy Sabaton's music. The band's unique historical approach to creating music complements the both of our interests and enhances our shared experience.
The New Site is Live!
After a period of inactivity due to personal obligations, the previously defunct website 'Digital Kristen' is now fully operational again. The creator, a mother with a passion for crafts and DIY, promises new upcoming content and products, including 3D-printed crafting tools. I'm leveraging my love for textile crafts to revive the platform.