On The Hunt… For Work!

It’s official, my friends. Freelancing just isn’t cutting it anymore. While there is work out there for freelancers, it’s nearly impossible to compete with overseas companies that are willing to work for pennies to the dollar compared to US workers. It’s a problem in manufacturing, for sure. But it’s also a huge problem in the technology sector. And when US freelancers do land a good contract, it’s temporary… the hunt will be on again before too long. It’s stressful. Not to mention that with our economy, it’s hard to make ends meet with contracts. This “explosive growth in the jobs market” is practically invisible to those actually looking within that market. Sure, there are jobs out there. Minimum wage, labor jobs. Not everyone out there can or will do blue-collar work. For the tech sector jobs, there is so much competition that it is incredibly cutthroat! Companies are putting more and more higher education requirements to their positions that anyone who doesn’t have a degree doesn’t even get their foot in the door. Why do they do this? Because they CAN and there are so many people needing work that they still have plenty of applicants. Little do they understand that some of their best potential workers have years and years of experience, but no degree. Like me.
So, I’m on the hunt. I’ve put in probably 200 applications so far over the last month. Yeah, you read that right: TWO HUNDRED. I’ve heard back from a few to schedule interviews, which I am looking forward to! Mostly, I have received messages that my resume is lacking the necessary qualifications: degree. Sometimes I get contacted by recruiters or headhunters who just don’t seem to understand that NO, I can’t travel across the country twice a week, or go to Texas to pick up equipment or work Hybrid in Seattle.
So, I’m looking for FULLY REMOTE or hybrid within MY AREA: Winston-Salem/Greensboro, NC. If I have to go to the office at all, it has to be local to me because I can’t fly at this time and long road trips aren’t conducive to getting work done. I’m a WordPress Developer, Designer, Graphic Designer, Social Media Manager, and PHP Programmer. I’ve been working in this field for more than 20 years, so I do have varied skills and a ton of experience. You can get my resume and portfolio, as well as my contractor rates, from my site Kristen’s Koncepts.
Let me know if you see anything that you could send my way. If you are a potential employer looking for a strong, creative, dedicated person to fill an important role, you’ve found her! Just check my site Kristen’s Koncepts and shoot me a message!